
تاريخ اﻷنضمام: 01 يناير 2014
حالة العضو: مراقب

الجهة المسئولة

Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs / Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) seeks to leverage the benefits of migration for sustainable development while addressing the challenges of migration, including through international cooperation.

SDC promotes an enabling environment for migrants and displaced populations to effectively contribute to sustainable development, both in countries of origin and countries of destination.  Its thematic engagement focuses on Safe Labor Migration, Social Cohesion, and Remittances & Financial Inclusion. Geographically, its engagement centers on key labor migration corridors, including from Asia / Africa to the Middle East.

While 1 out of 10 Swiss citizens live abroad, Switzerland has been an important country of destination for migrants for the past 50 years. Its labor market comprises around 30% foreign workers. Remittance outflows for 2018 amounted to USD $ 26.7 billion, according to the World Bank.

Previous Projects under ADD auspices:

Skills Recognition

On-going Projects under ADD auspices:

Comprehensive Information and Orientation Program (CIOP)